Juan Rios Ce-Acatl
About Juan Rios
Born in February 19th , 1958 in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
1970-83 Studies Geography at "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico" (UNAM), Mexico City, obtains a bachelor degree of geography in 1987.
1988 Begins at a painting studio following as a self educated way in art and art history incorporated with his work as geographer at an geologist bureau in Chur, Switzerland.
1992 Enters as a member of Präkuscha (Prattigauer Kunstschaffende) of art makers at Prattigau Valley, Switzerland, as ninth element at the most firmly group of artists on the region. This financially independent group arranges and performs artistic activities and exhibitions also conferences, courses and meetings with the presence of the best art professors from the european academies.
1993-02 From 1993 the painting studio becomes also a serigraphy studio. Intensive creative and learning course leaves his work as a geographer and takes art as his principal acticity - Supporting with seigraphy work for other artists; also graphical designs publicity and industrial serigraphy. Between 1988 and 2002 he has made 116 painting, 42 works by order and 19 graphic design works.
Art Exhibits
1990-91 Exhibition at Alex's Art Gallery in Klosters, Switzerland.
1992 Group exhibition "Prakuscha" in Castels Castle, Putz, Switzerland.
1993 Group exhibition "Prakuscha" at Rosengarten Museum in Grusch, Switzerland.
1994-95 Exhibition at Saal Ferdmann im Hotel Seehof, Davos, Switzerland.
1995 Group Exhibition "Prakuscha" Jahresausstellung, Klosters, Switzerland.
1995-96 Exhibition "Steinzeichen", Art in Natur, Sonnenberg Project, Switzerland.
(Sun Mountain) Lucerne, (Acryl on stone, rounded settled stones).
1997 Exhibition "Sprenger Fine Arts Galery" Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
1997 Exhibition "Arizona Sonora Desert Museum" Tucson, Arizona U.S.A
Theme: Juan Rios (Ce-Acatl) Desert Paintings.
1997 Group Exhibition "Praekuscha" old Hotel Vereina , Klosters, Switzerland.
1997 Steinzeichen - ein Waldpfad der Elemente
Permanent installation exhibition in the forest from Klosters, Switzerland.
1999 Exhibition "Centro Cultural Tijuana" Baja California, Mexico
Theme: Las enseñanzas del Nagual Don Juan, un evento entre fronteras.
2002-03 Exhibition new Hotel Vereina, Klosters, Switzerland.
Theme: "Noch nicht über alle Berge"
2004 Exhibition Kulturschuppen, Klosters, Switzerland.
Theme: "Einzelausstellung"
2004 Exhibition Foyer Altes Kino, Mels, Switzerland.
Theme: "Einzelausstellung"
2008 Exhibition Tibet, Zürich, Switzerland.
Theme: "Gruppenaustellung"
2016-17 Exhibition Kunst-Pavillon Diethelmpromenade, Klosters, Switzerland.
Theme: "Der Wilde Free Rider"
Technics and materials used in his work
  • Acryl- Acuarell metal over over Tibetan paper
  • Acryl- on wood and relieves on wood
  • Acryl over stone
  • Wall painting with material colors
  • Serigraphy carbage on wood and etching
  • Egyptian Tadelak and Marcim
© 2008, 2009 design and pictures by Juan Rios. All rights reserved..